Monday, March 28, 2011

Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow! Or at Least Peas and Beans...

Check this out! My pea and bean plants have been blossoming, and are now producing vegetables! They are very small now, like baby veggies. The peas are not growing as I expected. When my grandparents grow peas in their gardens, the plants grow out, whereas my plants are growing up. I kinda thought the pea plants would grow long tendrils that spill over the sides of the baskets, but that is not the case. I wonder if I should put some poles in the baskets so they have something to climb on.

The beans are doing well so far. I thought they might be too crowded, but the seem to be doing fine. they looked like they were falling over, so I put some thin wood rods to hold them up. Remember, these are bush beans, rather than pole beans.

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